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Sorta, Flouride helps strengthen the tooth, most cities have flouride in the water supply, if you are flossing and brushing well, for two full minutes twice a day to remove the bacteria in plaque that harms the teeth effectively, your chances of tooth decay is less. If you are prone to tooth decay, I would use flouride toothpaste though, and maybe even a flouride after to give you teeth the strength they need to resist decay.

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Q: Is there any way to brush your teeth without fluoride and still do the job as good?
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What are some benefits of fluoride in water?

Fluoride in water helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel and making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria. It is a cost-effective way to ensure oral health for communities, especially for those who may not have access to regular dental care. Fluoridated water has been shown to reduce cavities and improve overall dental health for both children and adults.

Can you use arm and hammer baking soda to brush our teeth with?

Yes. But it contains no Fluoride. If you want flouride for your teeth but like to brush with baking soda, you might consider a fluoride rinse aide to add to your oral hygiene routine

How can you take care of your teeth everyday?

Brush twice a day with a fluoride anti-cavity toothpaste and floss each time you brush.

How can we look after our teeth?

brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothbrush and a toothpaste that contains fluoride and avoid sugary food and drinks

How does sodium fluoride apply to daily life?

Sodium flouride is toothpaste. we use it to brush our human teeth

Can a child brush her teeth with a flouride toothpaste and drink water with flouride?

If your child is at the age (younger than 6) which she will swallow some of the paste, it is best to brush with just water. The optimal level of fluoride is 1.1 parts per million. If your area is higher (many are) in fluoride than 1.1 ppm, and you are cooking with said water, best to go with either just water on the brush, or a non-fluoride paste. Too much fluoride can cause discoloration of permanent teeth developing in the jaws.

Can you brush your cats teeth with regular toothpaste?

No, you should never use human toothpaste on a cat, as the fluoride alone is toxic and can make a cat ill if ingested. If you wish to brush your cat's teeth, use a pet toothpaste that has no fluoride in and is safe to ingest (I cat cannot spit out toothpaste like humans do).

How do you brush a child's teeth without a struggle?

Give them your phone to play with whilst you brush

What is the best ingredient for cleaning teeth?

Fluoride is the best ingredient for cleaning teeth as it strengthens enamel, prevents tooth decay, and helps to remineralize damaged areas on the teeth. Regular use of fluoride toothpaste can help maintain good oral health and reduce the risk of cavities.

How do your teeth turn all white Mine is yellow and when I brush my teeth it's still yellow I brush my teeth good what do I do to get them white?

suck a black cock

How you can care for your teeth?

You are supposed to brush your teeth 2 or 3 times per day, or once at night and once in the morning. You can also floss and use fluoride on your teeth and use toothpastes that help prevent cavities.

What prevents tooth decay?

well, brushing your teeth is important, but there's something called fluoride, that's what helps with tooth decay. that why your parents ask every night "did you brush your teeth?"