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Q: Is it against the law to take scrap metals from dumpsters in Indiana?
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Where can i get scrap metals and be paid for it?

I have never found anyplace where you actually "get scrap metals and get paid for it."On the other hand I TAKE my scrap metals to local metal merchants and get paid for that.

What is price of scrap metal?

Scrap metal prices are different for nonferrous and ferrous scrap metals. Ferrous scrap metals (iron, steel) are typically in dollars per ton whereas non ferrous scrap metals are in dollars per pound.

What are scrap metal selling for a pound?

There are many types of scrap metals. There are ferrous scrap metals and there are non ferrous scrap metals as well as precious metal scrap and exotic metal scrap. Each type of scrap metal sells for a different price per pound. Also depending on the grade of the scrap metal (prepared, unprepared, stripped, etc.) and your location in the world, the price of scrap metal will vary. Supply and demand also dictates the price of scrap.

How much does a scrap metal dealer gross?

This depends on their location, the types and quality of scrap metals they receive, and the market demand/price for those metals.

What is the current price scrap metal?

The current price of scrap metal depends on the type of scrap metal. There are different prices for non ferrous and ferrous scrap metal prices depending on your location in the world. Prices also fluctuate on a daily basis Some average prices for the United States, as of April 15 2011 are: No. 1 Copper $3.30 per pound No. 2 Copper $3.20 per pound No. 3 Copper $3.10 per pound Steel Scrap $380 - 400 per ton

In Team Fortress 2 and the random drop system can scrap metal and other metals be dropped for you to find?

no, scrap and other metals are created by smelting weapons that you have.

How much is scrap metal per pound?

There are many different types of scrap metals - There is ferrous (iron, steel HMS) and non ferrous scrap metals (copper, aluminum, zinc, etc.). You need to specify the type of scrap metal you have in order to obtain proper pricing. Copper for example is around $3.50 cents for bare brite copper whereas Scrap Steel #1 Busheling is around $450.00 gt Use a magnet to quickly identify your scrap metals - ferrous take to a magnet, non ferrous do not

What are the prices of scrap steel in Missouri?

There are many different types of scrap metals (ferrous and non ferrous) - meaning scrap metals encompass steel, copper, brass, aluminum, HMS, zinc, lead, etc.. You need to be more specific on what type of scrap metal prices you are seeking.

How do scrap yards separate metals from non magnetic metals?

They use electromagnets to separate magnetic metals from non-magnetic metals/materials in scrapyards.

What can scrap heap metals pick up?

Steel, iron and nickel.

What metals are attacted by a scrap heap magnet?

A magnet is attracted by metals containing iron in their makeup, primarily steel.

What is brass worth in PA?

The price of brass, like other metals or scrap metals, changes on a daily basis.