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Non-biodegradable waste such as plastic, glass, or metal belongs in the recycling bin. Other non-biodegradable waste (such as styrofoam) is non-recyclable and belongs in the regular trash bin.

See the Related Link below for information about recycling in your area (in the USA). Scroll to the bottom of the page for recycling in the UK.

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Q: How should non-biodegradable waste be disposed?
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Is papers a nonbiodegradable waste?

No, paper will biodegrade (it is an organic material).

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in the halogenated waste solvents container.

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Waste chemicals should be disposed of in designated hazardous waste collection areas in the laboratory. These areas are equipped to handle and store hazardous materials safely until they can be disposed of properly by a licensed waste management company. It is important to follow all local regulations and guidelines for chemical waste disposal.

How can people control biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste?

by not throwing the plasticts in the groud is on of the way to control nonbiodegradalle waste

What should you do with the nuclear waste products?

it has to be disposed carefully and in the right manner..

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walang sagot

What is nonbiodegradable waste?

Nonbiodegradable waste is basically "trash that doesn't decompose naturally". Meaning that bacteria will not break it down and turn it into topsoil. Thinks like banana peels will decompose very quickly, thus they are biodegradable. But plastics, foams, and metals will not decompose, thus they are nonbiodegradable.

How should waste be disposed in a cement industry?

by digging a hole little away from industry & fill the waste into it .

Waste management in a vegetable market?

biodegradable nonbiodegradable are produce in the market