A mongoose should drink enough water to stay hydrated, just like any other living creature. They don't have a specific daily water intake like a robot, so just make sure they have access to clean water and let them drink as much as they need. And remember, a hydrated mongoose is a happy mongoose!
What do mongooses drink
you should drink 1 liter of water per day.
To much.
8 glasses but you really should not drink that much also you can consume(drink) more or less if you wish to
They should drink as much as their body tells them to. Your body has thirst sensors and they will tell the runner if they need to drink and how much.
if your 178 pounds how much water should you drink to loss weight?
There is a popular belief you have to drink a certain amount of water. That is not true, you should drink when you feel like it.
You should drink as much water as you can. And continuing to drink a lot of water can prevent future ones, too.
Drink 4 bottles a day
you should drink about 3 to 6 cups of water to stay skinny
8 glasses of water
About 9 bottles of water.