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double the amount of water that fits inside the bottle.

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Q: How much water does it take to make a plastic bottle?
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What all does it cost to manufacture a plastic bottle?

how much does it cost for a plastic water bottle

How much does an empty 16.9 oz. plastic water bottle weigh?

An empty 16.9 oz. plastic water bottle weighs approximately 0.6 ounces.

How much water is used in recycling a plastic bottle?

none because water goes into it

How much co2 is generated in making a plastic water bottle?

I do not know please answer me

How much water bottle caps is in 9 lbs?

The weight of a typical plastic water bottle cap is about 0.02 ounces. In 9 lbs, there are 2304 ounces, so you would have approximately 115,200 water bottle caps.

How much air in a 1.5 liter plastic bottle?

A 1.5 liter plastic bottle contains approximately 1.5 liters (1500 milliliters) of air when empty. When you fill the bottle with water, the volume of air contained within the bottle will vary depending on the amount of water you add.

How much does a plastic bottle cap weigh?

An average plastic bottle weighs about 19 grams when its empty.

How much plastic is in a Nestle pure life plastic water bottle?

27% of it is plastic, if you ask me, that's pretty good -Hunter Williams 732-754-9380

How much plastic do water bottles have?

Plastic water bottles are made with the substance of low density polyethylene. The amount contained on average of a single use water bottle is a little over 5 grams.

Why do you waste so much oil to make one plastic water bottle?

WikiAnswers does not make plastic bottles. Waste is an interesting term. The manufacture of water bottles is as efficient as the system can be. There is very little waste in the process as there is very little profit. To make this a busoness model that works requires almost zero waste.

How much does a plastic bottle cost?


Can you use bought single bottled water over and over again?

you can if you want to, but unfortunately it is very bad for your body. If you use a plastic bottle too much the chemicals and plastic that is a part of your bottle start to come off and into your water, which you drink. A better alternative than re using your plastic bottle, would be to go to Earth Fare or a place like that, and by a bottle that says BPA free.