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just enough to overcome the gravitational pull on the mass of the bicycle.

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Q: How much force would be required to hold the bicycle up off of the ground but at rest?
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If a bicycle and a massive truck have a head-on collision upon which vehicle is the impact force greater?

The bicycle would have the greatest impact force.

How much force is required to hold a 12 kg box off the ground?

The force required to hold a 12 kg box off the ground would be equal to the weight of the box, which is calculated by multiplying the mass by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). Therefore, the force required would be approximately 117.6 newtons.

How you would measure the mechanical advantage of a bicycle?

To measure the mechanical advantage of a bicycle, you would compare the input force applied by the rider to the output force produced at the wheels. The mechanical advantage is calculated by dividing the output force by the input force. In the case of a bicycle, the mechanical advantage helps determine how efficiently the rider's pedaling translates into forward motion.

How much force is required to accelerate a 10kg bicycle along with it's 10kg?

To accelerate a 20kg bicycle (10kg bike + 10kg rider) at a rate of 2 m/s^2, you would need a force of 40 newtons. This is calculated by multiplying the mass (20kg) by the acceleration (2 m/s^2).

A bicycle is moving with constant velocity to the east. What is true of the applied forces?

The applied forces on the bicycle would be balanced. The force applied by the rider in pedaling is equal and opposite to the forces of friction and air resistance acting on the bicycle. This results in a net force of zero, allowing the bicycle to move with constant velocity.

How much force is required in Newtons to accelerate a 12 kg bicycle along with its 50 kg rider at 2 ms2?

The total mass of the bicycle and rider is 62 kg. To find the force required to accelerate them at 2 m/s^2, you use Newton's second law: Force = Mass x Acceleration. Therefore, the force required would be 62 kg x 2 m/s^2 = 124 N.

What are the qualifications required to become a bicycle courier?

You would need to have access to a dependable bicycle and be in good physical condition. It would also be helpful to be very familiar with the roads and streets in the area you will be working in..

How would you make a graph to represent the height above ground of the air vavle on a bicycle tire?

It would be a sinusoidal graph.

How can a bicycle seat exert a force?

A bicycle seat exerts a force on a rider by supporting the rider's weight through normal force. When a person sits on the seat, their weight pushes down on the seat, and the seat pushes back up with an equal force (normal force) to support the rider.

Is the force needed to accelerate a car greater than the force needed to accelerate a bicycle to the same velocity?

Force is directly proportional to mass. Therefore, even both the car and bicycle are being accelerated to the same velocity, accelerating a car would require more force since it has a greater mass.

Why Bicycle Helmet is required?

So if you fall off and hit your head your head wont be injured as much as it would without

What Suppose a bicycle was coasting on a level surface and there was no friction. What would happen to the bicycle's speed?

If there is no friction, the bicycle's speed will remain constant due to inertia. Once set in motion, it will continue at the same speed unless acted upon by an external force.