How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
two dollars
Around $4.25 USD
The value is determined by weight. Copper is currently about $3.75/pound, so weigh your copper and do the math.
Today, copper is worth 3 to 4 dollars. To be more specific, about $3.76.
Not much. copper is currently at $4.32 a pound, and there are about 14.4 troy ounces in a pound, which means your troy ounce is worth about 30 cents.
About 26 cents, but copper is priced by the pound and right now, a pound of it is $3.20. (However, it's usually SOLD by the ton, as most industrial metals are.)
How much 90 pounds of copper cost
Exactly the value of the copper in the coin. No more. The current price of copper is about $3.50 pound. So your coin just has sentimental value.
Copper prices fluctuate significantly everywhere and Edmonton, Alberta is no different. Prices given at salvage yards and recyclers have been averaging about $2.50 $2.80 per pound depending on the quality of the copper.