Manufacturing times very from manufacturer to manufacturer...Ford can produce 140-170 Explorers per day where as UlitmaCars can produce only 1-3 cars per year. With todays automated and robotic assembly lines there is no true answer to how many per day they can make... guess it would depend on how fast they can turn up the robots that make the cars before they start making too many errors!
the process of manufacturing
manufacturing process of kettle
phased manufacturing process
3 phases in manufacturing process
There are a number of firms that publish their manufacturing process online. You can find out about the manufacturing process through education websites as well, such as ALISON.
Virtual manufacturing is the process of designing a product or creating a manufacturing process, using special 3-D software. Virtual manufacturing allows companies to work out any glitches in product design, and streamline the manufacturing process before it actually begins.
The manufacturing process.
The most important effect of the Bessemer process at the time was its reduction in cost. The decrease in the manufacturing process of steel per long ton was huge.
Filament winding process
Garment manufacturing is the process by which clothing is made.
Repeatable manufacturing is a process that has been defined and can be reproduced with the same results. It is a method of ensuring that a manufacturing process consistently produces the same quality of output.
basis of selection of best manufacturing process for a product