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A glass of water taken on an empty stomach will flow into your small intestine in a matter of minutes. A typical evening meal will have fully left your stomach and moved into your small intestine in four to six hours.

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12y ago

It takes 4-6 hours for your food to digest

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Q: How long does it take for food to get down your body?
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How long does if take food to go through a body?

it take 3 day for the food to pass though the body

Where is food physically broken down in the body?

Food is physically broken down in the mouth by the process of chewing and in the stomach through muscular contractions. The mechanical breakdown of food helps increase its surface area for enzymes to act upon during digestion.

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you mom! i was asking u!

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It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds for a giraffe to swallow food. Their long necks help the food travel down to their stomach.

What body system is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients the body can use?

The digestive system. Maybe you should take science class sweet cheeks.

Why does food take so long to digest?

Protein. Protein needs to be broken down into amino acid chains, and those chains need to be broken down in order to be absorbed by the body. Carbs are basically simple sugars used for energy.

What is the job for the digestive system?

The job of the digestive system is to break down food into nutrients that the body can absorb and use for energy, growth, and repair. This process involves the mechanical and chemical digestion of food in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine, followed by the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream and the elimination of waste products.

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it will normally take one day .... no it doesnt. it takes as long as it takes your body to digest food, usually about an hour or 2.

How much time does it take for ants to digest their food?

Ants can digest their food relatively quickly, usually within a few hours to a day depending on the type of food and the species of ant. The digestion process involves enzymes breaking down the food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the ant's body.

How long does it take to get that summer body?

How long it takes to get a "summer body" depends on your exercise routine and your food intake. Focusing on eating healthier and exercising more can greatly improve your chances.

How do you classify a digestion reaction?

Digestion is a chemical reaction that takes place in the body, starting from the mouth and ending in the small intestine. It is a long process taking place in a 9m long alimentary canal. Ingestion in the mouth is when the food is taken in, digestion when the food is broken down into simpler molecules, absorption when the digested food is absorbed by the blood, assimilation when the digested food is utilised by the the body and finally, egestion where the unwanted food is excreted out from the body, through the anus. With these processes, there are many other organs in the body which help digestion to take place, some being the liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine.

How long does it take a body to digest 29 grams of protein?

it doesnt matter how long, it matters on how you do it.maybe mix it up with a shake, its in food also.