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Human waste is heavier than water, so it sinks to the bottom. Then, the water is pumped through a pipe leaving the heavier substances behind, and the waste is disposed of.
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Q: How is settling used in sewage treatment?
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not very. It just depends on the type of treatment that is being used

How do the microorganisms help in sewage treatment?

Sewage treatment plants use microorganisms to destroy the biological material in sewage.

Who invented sewage treatment?

The Activated Sludge Process for the Sewage treatment which is well known and widely used was first invented by Edward Ardern and William Lockett in 1914.

What is secondary waste treatment?

Primary sewage treatment essentially removes the lumps from raw sewage by settling and some of the organics by holding the waste before discharge. Secondary treatment de-lumps and then removes organics by allowing bacteria to feed on the nutrients then removing/collecting the bacteria for disposal. Tertiary treatment filters or chlorinates the treated waste to remove smaller particulates and bacteria.

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Sewage treatment plants use microorganisms to destroy the biological material in sewage.

This mineral is used to add flavor to foods and as a sewage treatment.?

Sodium chloride, also known as table salt, is a mineral commonly used to add flavor to foods. It is also used in sewage treatment to help remove impurities from wastewater.

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What mineral is used to add flavor to food and as a sewage treatment?

rock salt

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Some common separation techniques used in treating sewage include sedimentation, filtration, biological treatment, and disinfection. Sedimentation is used to separate solid particles from liquid sewage, filtration involves passing sewage through a medium to remove impurities, biological treatment uses microorganisms to break down organic matter, and disinfection kills harmful pathogens in the treated sewage.

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This mineral is used to add flavor to foods and as a sewage treatment?

Common salt, or sodium chloride, is used in various food products to enhance flavor. It is also used in sewage treatment to help remove impurities from wastewater through a process called ion exchange.

What is the use of polymer in sewage treatment?

Polymers are used in sewage treatment to enhance the separation of solid particles from water during the process of sedimentation and filtration. By adding polymers, the solid particles in the sewage clump together, forming larger particles that settle faster, improving the efficiency of the treatment process.