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Vegetables are really quite cheap. Fruit is fairly cheap.

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Q: How does healthful eating save you money?
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Use in a sentence the word healthful?

Eating fruit is very healthful

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What are some true healthful claims?

There are a few healthful claims. Some claims like eating right and working out.

What are some money saving hints?

to save money and at the same time lose weight you can cut back on eating a lot. There are many different ways to save money. If anyone is interested you can watch cheapskates on TLC

How does planning your meals help in healthful eating?

Planning your meals helps in healthy eating. Planning helps you to avoid cravings and binge eating. Planning helps you to see the overall picture of your eating habits.

What should you do to make eating at a fast-food restaurant healthful as possible?

Ask for salad dressing on the side

What is a sentence using healthful behavior?

You would not say "healthful" behavior - say healthy behavior instead. Healthy behavior makes you live longer. Eating healthy foods and getting enough exercise is healthy behavior.

How much money would you save if you only cooked at home and never went out for dinner?

Depends on what you are eating but typically a fortune.

Can you save money grocery shopping or on eating fast food?

groceries are DEFINETLY cheaper and healthier for you. yours truly, Bethany (Pianoplayer)

What odeas from a brainstorming session would not be appropriate for an essay about the importance of eating a healthful diet?

Carrot cake is my favorite heathy snack

Is healthful a noun?

No, the word 'healthful' is not a noun, it is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as good for the health of the body or mind (healthful exercise, healthful relaxation).The noun form for the adjective healthful is healthfulness. A related noun form is health.

Save Food Money?

The easiest way to save money on your food expeneses, is to stop eating out. Meals you prepare at home are not only cheaper, but a lot healthier! Even better, plant a garden!! Pick your own fruits and vegetables! Save money and develop a new hobby. However, when you do buy from the grocery store, buy generic brands to save food money. Often times these products are just as good as the brand name products and are priced a lot less.