french has two nice long words for bicycle - bicyclette and velocipede. in practice 99% of frenchmen just say velo.
a bike (bicycle) is 'un vélo' (masc.) or 'une bicyclette' (fem. - a bit outdated) in French. A (motor)bike is 'une moto' (fem.) or 'une motocyclette'
bicyclette pliable is the phrase for the word folding bicycle. This is translated from English to French.
A French Bicycle Corps - 1902 was released on: USA: November 1902
French bicycle manufacturers have included:AlleluiaAlex SingerAstraAutomotoBertin LouisonCaminadeChas GarinCNCCyfac, a contemporary French bicycle manufacturer.Decathlon French sporting goods chain, design and made by the biggest manufacture in UE, Polish Kross.DilectaFollisLa FontanGitaneHelyettHurtuhLeJeuneJeunetLaPerleLapierreMotoBecanePeugeotRenaultRochetRoutensStellaSutterTerrotTransfilVeloSolex
a stage of a bicycle race is called 'une étape de course cycliste' in French.
The phrase "how do you spell it in french" is spelled as "Comment cela s'épelle en français" in French.
"Ajouter" is how you spell "add" in French.
Spell Ryan in french
this is how you spell spelling in french: l'orthographe
bmx is usually rendered as "bicycle motocross" in French
'to have a good bicycle ride' is translated "faire un bon tour de vélo" in French.