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If you need to recycle the little foam packing monsters called "peanuts," You can contact Plastic Loosefill Council at They have a list of packing and mail businesses in your area code that will take the peanuts and reuse them.

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Q: How do you recycle packing material such as bubble wrap and foam?
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Is it possible to recycle foam packaging?

It is possible to recycle foam packing. You can post this information on several sites where you can get someone to take it off your hands.

What is the best packing material?

The best packing material depends on what you are packing. For fragile items, bubble wrap or foam padding can provide good protection. For clothing and linens, using tissue paper or packing peanuts can help prevent wrinkling. Ultimately, choose a packing material that suits the specific needs of your items to ensure they arrive safely.

we are looking for biodegradable foam packing material.?

You can purchase this at

Where can I buy foam packing material?

Office Max offers a large bag of packing material for under $14.00. You can purchase it on their website: You could also try using old sheets or newspapers if you really wanted to save money.

Can you recycle foam?

no you cant recycle foam, you can reuse it.

Between peanuts popcorn newspaper and bubble wrap which is the most environmentally friendly packing material?

Of the four different types of packaging mentioned, the most environmentally friendly are newspaper and popcorn - which is no longer in use as a packing material. Foam peanuts don't break down easily, remaining as tiny white pieces for a very long time long after being broken up. Bubble wrap will take centuries to disintegrate due to the material used to make it.

Is foam packing material the most efficient for moving?

When it comes to moving breakables, you have several options. Foam packing material is a good option, but also using plastic bubbles and even wrapping your breakables in cloth or newspaper are viable options as well.

What types of different packing materials are there?

Some common packing materials include bubble wrap, packing peanuts, packing paper, foam sheets, and cardboard boxes. Each material serves to protect items during transit by providing cushioning and insulation. Choose the appropriate material based on the fragility and size of the items being packed.

Is Bubble Brand packing preferred for wrapping antiques?

You may want to check out for instructions and information on packing foam. They have how to's and instructional videos on how to get things complete safely and accurately.

What types of packing are there?

types of recyclkeble pachThis contributor has received packages which were padded with excelsior, foam peanuts, shredded paper, crumpled newspaper, and bubble wrap.

are traditional packaging materials still relevant?

Traditional packing materials such as foam peanuts and bubble wrap are still relevant as they are cost effective and widely used.

Where can I find cost effective packing foam?

There are many places to buy packing foam. you can start with your local post office. You can also check or another moving company and see if they sell packing foam.