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Of course! (Says this lay person) By using another liquid that has a higher boiling point! Fractional Distillation with a condenser, round bottom flask, and a fume hood.


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Q: How can tetrachloroethylene be recycled by distillation?
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Is tetrachloroethylene a nitrate?

Tetrachloroethylene is not a nitrate.

What is the chemical formula of tetrachloroethylene?


Why is tetrachloroethylene dangerous?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified tetrachloroethylene as a Group 2A carcinogen, which means that it is probably carcinogenic to humans. Tetrachloroethylene dissolves fats from the skin, potentially resulting in skin irritation. Animal studies and a study of 99 twins by Dr. Samuel Goldman and researchers at the Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale, California determined there is a "lot of circumstantial evidence" that exposure to Tetrachloroethlene increases the risk of developing Parkinson's disease ninefold.

Is tetrachloroethylene ionic or covalent?

Tetrachloroethylene is a covalent compound. It consists of carbon and chlorine atoms sharing electrons to form covalent bonds within the molecule.

Is there a alternate method for distillation?

Yes, there are alternative methods to distillation such as fractional distillation, steam distillation, and vacuum distillation. These methods are used depending on the specific properties of the substances being separated.

Where to apply the method of distillation and fractional distillation?

Distillation is a method for the separation of liquids components.

How you can obtain the pure water by which procees distillation or fractional distillation?

Distillation is used frequently.

What had tetrachloroethylene in it?

Tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene, is commonly found in dry-cleaning solutions, degreasing agents, and some spot removers. It is also used in manufacturing processes for textiles, metals, and rubber.

Which types of water are collected and recycled for use on the international space station?

On the International Space Station, water from various sources such as urine, sweat, humidity, and even spacecraft operations like fuel cell reactions is collected and recycled. This water is then treated and purified through processes like filtration, distillation, and ion exchange to make it safe for consumption by astronauts. Recycling water in this manner is crucial for sustaining life in the closed environment of space.

What does distillation?

Distillation is the separation of two substances by boiling.

How is distillation used in the lab?

With the help of distillation process.

What are distillation leftovers called?

The leftovers from distillation are called "residue" or "distillation residue." This is the material left behind after the desired components have been separated through the distillation process.