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We may not have chance to investigate and report the industry that emit pollution. Current logistic system allow sub-contracting manufacturing overseas. The least we can do is not buying goods from company without ISO certified or one with Carbon emission label etc.

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Switch to more efficient power souces, such as electric, solar, and/or hydrogen power.

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Q: How can a company solve pollution?
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They covered it up and continued with privatisation.

What are two things that solve pollution?

Clean Air ActChange to Renewable Energy.

What can you do to solve problem of pollution?

You can be smart about electricity and gas. If you really do not need to drive, then don't!

How do you solve air pollution causing by smoking?

stop smoking, and don't let others smoke. ;)

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they shove it up their butt. Simple isn't

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There have been thousands of inventions invented to solve pollution. They hybrid and electric cars are one invention created to solve car pollution.

How polluted is Sweden?

its is so difficult to answer your question admin?!!! for me?!!! only here in the phils. are facing to pollution...but if we will help each other to solve this we can easily solve these problem thank you

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have all the problems with air pollution posted on boards to make people more aware of what we are breathing in. They could create an invention to protect the society

Give an example of the governments goals in regards to externalities?

If a company's pollution creates economic costs (for example, the medical bill of a patient who gets sick from pollution), then the government will force the company to pay that cost.

How do you solve noise pollution that is harming the whales?

Just stop. Stop. That is all, stop. Stop. Stop now! Stop!!