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Q: How are waste products disposed of after making jams and jellies?
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it has to be disposed carefully and in the right manner..

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Would a factory pollute a lake?

It could - depending on what it was producing and what legal controls were placed on it and how it disposed of its waste or by-products.

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Austria - as they have massive smoking manufacturing industries. Thailand - as they have lots of vehicles making as the world most congested streets Philippines - as tons of waste products were not properly disposed

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waste in the sugar factory is disposed often by using hands

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How is mercury disposed of?

Mercury should be disposed of properly at hazardous waste collection sites or through a licensed hazardous waste disposal company. It should never be thrown in the trash or poured down the drain as it can be harmful to the environment and human health. Recycling and reusing mercury-containing products is also encouraged to minimize waste.

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Why is clinical waste so carefully disposed of?

Clinical waste must be disposed of in a careful manner due to the toxicity of some of the medication used in the medical field. In addition, there is a risk of spreading disease if medical waste is not carefully disposed of.

In engineering how are waste materials transferred stored and disposed of safely?

Different waste materials are stored and disposed of in different ways depending on what kind of material it is. Depending on what material the waste is, it will be put in different holding containers and disposed of in different places.

How waste is disposed in resorts?

it is put is garbage can