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Yes it has been successful in the past

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Q: Has biomass energy source been successfully used in the past?
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Reason nuclear fusion isn't a source of energy?

It has not been successfully developed yet on Earth, but it is the source of the sun's energy, so we all use it every day!

What is the most common biomass fuel?

Wood is the most common biomass fuel, used for heating and cooking in many parts of the world. It is readily available, renewable, and has been used for centuries as a source of energy.

What energy source has not been harnessed by man for peaceful purposes?

Nuclear fusion is an energy source that has not been successfully harnessed by man for peaceful purposes on a large scale. It holds great potential as a clean and abundant source of energy but is still in the experimental stage for commercial applications.

What is keeping biomass energy from widespresd use?

Biomass has been restricted to rural areas. It is not used in cities.

Who first discovered biomass?

It is difficult to pinpoint a single individual who first discovered biomass, as the use of biomass as an energy source has been a part of human history for thousands of years. Early humans likely discovered the benefits of burning wood for heat and cooking, leading to the broader use of biomass as an energy source.

Has hydro energy been used successfully in the past?

yes it has been used successfully .....because of what.......

Wood leaves and manure belong to a group of renewable energy sources called what?

The term Biomass refers to biological material, usually plant-derived materials. Biomass is a generic term however and can refer to any material that was of biological origin. One normally requires that the material retain the basic organic make up of the living organism, this coal is not considered biomass but dead plants are biomass. Coal has been substantially changed chemically since it was biomass millions of years ago. Manure can be considered biomass since it can retain a large portion of the original chemical makeup of the plants which were the original source. Biomass is relevant to renewable energy because it sometimes contains a substantial amount of chemical energy that was present in the original biological organism. When you burn a log, you get energy from biomass. Many forms of biomass are not useful as a potential source of energy. Bacteria and fungi constitute a large fraction of the currently living biomass on Earth and there is no practical plan to collect it for use as biofuel, but that is an active area of research.

Has biomass been used successfully in the past?

yes because they also are good now. this makes no sense. is there something I am missing?

Who invented biomass?

Biomass as a source of energy has been used for centuries, but it was not invented by a single individual. Humans have been using biomass, such as wood and other organic materials, for energy purposes for thousands of years. biomass has been a significant energy source globally, providing heat, electricity, and transportation fuels.

Has wind energy been used successfully in the past?

Yes, wind energy has been used successfully for centuries, primarily for grinding grain and pumping water. In modern times, wind turbines have been developed to generate electricity on a larger scale, and many countries have successfully integrated wind power into their energy mix to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Has wind energy been successfully in the past?

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Has nuclear power been successfully used in the past?

Yes, nuclear power has been successfully used in the past. It has provided a significant amount of electricity in many countries around the world and has been a reliable source of energy. However, there have been some accidents, like the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, that have raised concerns about safety and environmental impact.