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If you keep the revs up and the load down, the knees really don't care much either way. But as for cycling helping the knees - I'd say that's only when it's replacing something else that was troubling the knees.

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Q: Does riding a stationary bike help the knees?
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Walking, riding your bike or you could buy a stationary bike. for me riding my bike helps me to stay in shape it could help you to

Does riding a stationary bike help to lose weight fast?

Riding a stationary bike is a great way to lose weight. Any kind of physical activity is a great step toward healthy living and personal fitness.

What are some home exercises to lose fat?

Yoga, stretching, crunches, riding a stationary bike will all help.

Where could I buy a stationary bike?

You can get a stationary bike at any of these following places I have found for you to have a look at. Wal-Mart should have some, best buy, Lowe's and sears has a few. I hope these places help you as you look for a stationary bike.

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Riding a bike is good for your cardio and will give you great legs. It may help you gain a flat stomach as well depending on how long you ride and how fast.

Does riding a bike get rid of cellulite?

Yes, riding a bike can get rid of celluite on your thighs and butt. Pilates, lunges, and running also help get rid of it.

How does riding a bike make you stronger?

Well, it'd really depend on how hard, for long and how often you ride. But bike riding can help shape and strengthen your legs.

What is the point of a fitness bike?

A fitness bike can help people with their knees if you have knee problems. Also people like to use a fitness bike to burn calories.

How can a bike help you lose weight?

Of course! Bike-riding is a fairly intense form of exercise that will help keep you fit and lose weight.

Why did peter ride the toddle bike?

Peter rode the toddler bike to practice his balance and coordination skills. Riding a toddler bike can also help improve muscle strength and prepare him for riding a larger bike in the future.

Is stationary bike riding good for back trouble?

You might be better off doing some isometric floor (or bed) exercises, water walking and yoga stretches. A session of physical therapy or so can also help you learn the best moves.

Does the stationary bike help lose weight?

Absolutely! Stationary bikes are fantastic for weight loss. They offer a low-impact cardiovascular workout that can effectively burn calories and contribute to weight loss when combined with a healthy diet. Cycling on a stationary bike engages various muscle groups, primarily the legs, while also providing a good cardio workout, which can help in burning fat and shedding pounds.