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Yes. Up to 11% of daily refuse is recycled. Most of this recycled garbage is made up of plastic, paper, glass and metal. The current Mexican government plans to increase this proportion up to 22% by 2018.

Some additional facts are provided:

  • The PET (Polyethylene terephthalate, component of many plastic bottles) recycling industry in Mexico generates US$160 million annually.
  • Annually, 20,000 tonnes of PET are recycled in Mexico.
  • 80% of PET gathered in Mexico is exported to the US and China; based on this material, those countries return several recycled products, such as toys, plastic bags and shoes.
  • Greater Mexico City generates 26,700 tonnes of refuse every day.
  • Household waste in Mexico has the following composition:
    • Food waste 32%
    • Paper and cardboard 15%
    • Garden waste 8%
    • Glass 8%
    • Plastic 5%
    • Misc. metals 6%
    • Aluminium 5%
    • Textiles 4%
    • Disposable diapers 3%
    • Others 10%
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only some people recycle stuff but not all i think they do recycle but som etimes they just don't care

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You can recycle a Canon 3CCD at a website called Recycle your device. This website gives people the ability recycle their old electronics for free and if your device has value, you can earn money from it.

What should people do to recycle?

make a recycle bin for cans paper plastic you can also make composts

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