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Of course you can. Try it and see!

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Q: Can you see semen stains on toilet paper?
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Can you see dry semen stains on your clothes?

Dry semen stains may appear as crusty, yellowish spots on clothing. They can be difficult to spot, especially on dark fabrics. It's best to check clothing under good lighting and wash them with cold water and a stain remover to remove the stain effectively.

There are white stains in your car how can you check to see if its semen?

taste it

What does the toilet paper do in 'Rocket Toilet'?

as far as i can see, nothing. it is just a trophy

When there are white stains in your car how can you check to see if its semen?

ultra violet light will show if its bodily fluids

Is there hello kitty toilet paper?

Yes, if you do a search for Hello Kitty toilet paper, there are many results. See the related links below for a few of them.

When on period r you supposed to see blood on the toilet paper?


Where can I get toilet paper coupons?

The main toilet paper manufacturer that allows you to print your own coupons is Charmin. Here is a link to their website:

Is it normal to see what looks like semen in the toilet bowl after peeing and pooing only in the morning hours?

Only if you are a guy.

What is the control in an experiment of a regular toilet paper to an enriched toilet paper?

Depending on how the experiment is set up, the control could be different. In this case, the control would most likely be the regular toilet paper since nothing new is added to it. The control in an experiment is the group that does not contain or relate to the independent variable (the thing you change). So if you are testing to see which is better - regular toilet paper or enriched toilet paper - the control would be the regular paper since nothing is special about it.

How do blind people know when to quit reaching for toilet paper?

When the toilet paper isn't slippery while wiping the rectum area. As long as there is material around the anus, it will be slippery when wiping. When there is none, the toilet paper doesn't slide as good. That is the method I use as I cannot see.

What labor skills do you need to make toilet paper?


How do you test how strong toilet paper is?

test to see how much water it can contain without dripping