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Can - sure.

But it will increase the risk of head injuries a little, and in some places wearing a helmet while riding is a legal requirement.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

i learned da hard way becuz i flipped and my head HURT! wear a helmet, stupid.

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Q: Can you ride a bike without a helmet?
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What is the legal age in CA to not wear a helmet?

you have to wear a helmet whenever you ride a bike or you will be fined

Is it illegal to ride go karts in Georgia without a helmet?

It is totally stupid to ride karts anywhere without a helmet, legal or not.

Paying money for not wearing a helmet for bike?

Can happen. Some places have a law stating that you must have a helmet to ride a bike. If you haven't, you might be stopped by the police and given a ticket.

How old do you have to be to ride a pocket bike in Utah?

To ride a pocket bike in Utah you need to meet a certain criteria. You should be at least 16 to 17 years and wear a helmet.

What happens when you ride a motorcycle without a helmet?

Depends on the state you are riding in. For example, here in indiana its legal to ride without a helmet. But if you are riding and you cross over to Ohio you need to wear a hemet. You will be fined. Furthermore, it is very dangerous, because if you fall off your bike or crash into something it is likely that you hurt your head seriously.

Do cyclists have to wear helmets?

It is not illegal to ride a two or three wheeled motor vehicle without a helmet but some form of eye protection is required. On a Bike it is illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet if you are under 16.

Can you ride a pocket bike in brampton without a license for a pocket bike?

yes, you need a lisences to ride a pocket bike in bramton

Why you need to where a bike helmit?

wear, not where. Its called grammar. You need to wear a bike helmet because its really painful if you crash without a helmet. How does that relate to cheese?

Is it legal to ride your Ripstik without a helmet in California?


How do guys ride a bike without squishing their balls?

they just ride...................................................................

Where can someone purchase helmet visors with cool designs on them?

Helmet visors with cool designs on them can be purchased from Ride Apart, Etsy, Amazon, Helmet Superstore, Race Visors, Bike World, Helmet Boys and Sports Unlimited.

Is it legal to ride your Ripstik without a helmet in New Zealand?
