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All plastic can be recycled, but it is difficult to find a recycler willing and able to recycle polystyrene. Burger and food containers actually contain very little plastic (and a lot of air), and are often contaminated with food. There are companies that recycle polystyrene (styrofoam), but they will often only take fruit and vegetable crates.

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Q: Can you recycle take away polystyrene burger containers?
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Are Polyethylene and polypropylene made from crude oil?

NO. See Link. YES! From Traditional foam "to-go" containers are made of polystyrene, while the clear plastic containers and bottles we see everywhere are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene or polypropylene -- all petroleum-based plastic polymers. The ubiquitous paper coffee cup, and the paper take-out containers we see everywhere, also use a petroleum-based plastic coating to make them waterproof. According to Green Seal, in 1997, 120 million pounds of foam polystyrene hinged containers were used in the U.S. food packaging industry and each American throws away an average of 100 polystyrene cups each year. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters recently estimated that last year Americans used 14.4 billion hot paper cups (placed end-to-end, this many cups would circle the world 55 times). Not only do these plastic cups and take-out containers create garbage that ends up in the landfill for centuries to come (a polystyrene cup has an expected lifetime of over 500 years), they are made from non-renewable petrochemicals, and styrene, a key ingredient of polystyrene, is a suspected carcinogen and known hazardous substance.

What happens to a polystyrene cup when you throw it away?

When a polystyrene cup is thrown away, it can take hundreds of years to break down in a landfill due to its non-biodegradable nature. This can lead to environmental pollution and harm to wildlife if not disposed of properly. Recycling or using alternative biodegradable materials can help reduce the negative impact of polystyrene cups on the environment.

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Yes, containers keep chemicals or mixtures away from bacteria in the air.

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You can recycle it.

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Recycle the gold used then throw it away

What ways can plastics be disposed of?

recycle it don't throw it away

What are some antonyms for recycle?

Throw away, toss out, waste., squander.

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you can either throw it away, display it or recycle it.

A word for an acrostic poem beginning with an R about recycle?

Well that would be reuse what you throw away like electrical things you can reuse it which would to recycle.