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No they can't. Although often they might chew them up and seem like they are eating them, they are really just storing it in their cheek pouches to use later to make a bedding.

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Q: Can toilet paper tubes be dangerous to hamsters?
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What kind of things will hamsters go nutty for?

Tearing toilet paper tubes apart, and a ball and a hamtrac

Can you make candles in toilet paper tubes?

yes but apparently you have to mix it with paraffin wax and what not.

How do you make x ray vision camcorder?

First get two toilet paper tubes and put tape around them

Can you put cardboard in with hamsters?

Yes! Cardboard is one thing that gerbils cherish. Definitely put cardboard in the cage. It is totally safe and fun for them. If you want cheap entertainment for them, just put carboard in.

Can dwarf hamster climb normal hamster tubes?

As they are dwarf hamsters they are not as big as Syrian or other hamsters. This means that they may not be able to go in the tubes but it depends on the size of the tubes. Hope i helped :) x

How do you entertain hamsters and mice?

to entertain hamsters; when you have finished with toilet tubes give them in their cage or keep them in an enclosed area and let them have a bit of freedem. they like to run in a out and they enjoy chewing them. im not sure about mice i would recommend asking the nearest pets place? hope this works.

Toilet paper tube disposal?

You can use these tubes to make all kinds of personal items with your children. This of course depends on what exactly you wanted to make.

Where can you find the tubes for the hamsters to drink water?

In a Pet Superstore

What do rabbits from Canada eat?

well they eat almost every thing a regular rabbit eats which is most fruit but not tomatos the only hay they eat is timothy hay you can also play around with paper towel tubes and toilet paper tubes and stuff hay and pellets in it and it is safe for them to chew on newspaper and cardbourd

Why would teenagers have toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer sheets and a bottle of peroxide?

Teenagers might be using toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer sheets and a bottle of peroxide to create homemade devices for smoking marijuana. The dryer sheets mask the smell, while the peroxide can be used as a cleaning agent or to modify the drug.

How much bedding do you put on a gerbil cage?

From what I read you need to put at least an inch of bedding in there cage and give them toilet paper and cardboard tubes to chew up to make a nest.

Do most rabbits eat caRROT?

Yes and they need something to chew on or their bottom teeth will pierce their skull killing them (recommended to give them cardboard tubes like in toilet paper rolls,...ect)