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Q: Are iron nails non biodegradable wastes?
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Can you show me some pictures of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes?

i can show you biodegradable pictures

Why is it important to separate biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes?

why is waste for us

Why do you separate biodegradable from non-biodegradable materials?

We segregate our biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes so that all biodegradable can be used as fertilizers while the non biodegradable can be recycled to make different creative products.

Do we consider diapers as non-biodegradable wastes?


What watses that are environmentally dangerous?

All except perhaps Biodegradable wastes. E-Wastes, Nuclear wastes, Non-Biodegradable, Biomedical etc all harm the environment

What are some solutions to non-biodegradable wastes?

One of the solutions to non-biodegradable wastes can be recycling. Another solution is to embrace the use of biodegradable products as an alternative.

What are non bio degradable e-wastes?

The Chemical substance which is found in circuits of electronic, which is very harmfull and toxic is Non-Biodegradable E-Wastes.

Are most nails non ferrous?

No, most nails are ferrous, meaning they contain iron. This is because iron is a common and cost-effective material for making nails due to its strength and durability. Non-ferrous nails, made from materials like copper, brass, or aluminum, are less common and typically used for specific applications where non-corrosive or non-magnetic properties are needed.

Waste disposal in a vegetable market?

biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes these 2 types of waste are found in a vegetable market 1) biodegradable waste : It can be decomposed ex: food waste 2) non-biodegradable waste:It cannot be decomposed ex:foams

What is non-biodegrable waste?

The wastes that do not get mixed with the soil are called non-biodegradable wastes. They pollute the land and destroy our environment. But, this can be prevented. The metallic, plastic or glass wastes can be reused, recycled, reduced or replaced. Nowadays many people are using recycled stuffs.

What do you do with the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes?

Biodegradable is like non-living things and is a type of metal and wood thats being thrown into the sea, while non-biodegradable is things that are stretchey such as elastic spring force that are examples are rubber band, spring, clay and many other more and hope you write this into your notes! :D Thanks for listening!

Is hazardous waste similar to non biodegradable waste?

Non biodegradable wastes and recyclable wastes are the same however recyclable wastes are those which can be reused. For example..bottles.. these are non biodegrable wastes at the same time recyclable because bottles can also be reused as containers for clips and/or pens with creativity perhaps.