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That research has gone for some centuries now, depending on how loosely one defines "scientist".

There have always been some that have tried to find potions or drugs that will rob a person of their will and make them a willing - if a bit mindless - a slave.

And, by some accounts, depending on how you define it, they've had success. Not just in mindless Zombies of the movies, but in having control of somewhat sentient beings. By the judicious application of heroin or cocaine, or many legal pharmaceuticals illegally used, these "zombie masters" (usually called dealers or pimps) have gathered about them a variety of zombiesh slaves to do their bidding.

As to the type of zombies in "28 Days Later", few would doubt that some tax funded research is being invested in finding a rage virus.

As to the type of zombies that George Romero films, there are probably some efforts here and there, now and then, to come up with ways to "reanimate" a dead body. Whether this counts is a matter of speculation, as if it did succeed, it might involve full consciousness returning, too.

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