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Elizabethans wore clothing just like you and I. They did were Costumes, to their own dress up parties. They came as people from The Bible or from Greek and Roman Myths, also people from History.

So are you asking about the Clothing during the Elizabethan Time Period? Or are you asking what they would wear to a Masquerade?

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It was important Because the Elizabethan Age was a Time of Great english Art, Music - and also Great Poets like William Shakespeare

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because it created apart of our history

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Q: Why were costumes important in the Elizabethan era?
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The Second Elizabethan Era or simply the Elizabethan Era

Was singing important in the Elizabethan era?

yes, singing during the Elizabethan era was important. singing was considered as a important pass time lesson and as entertainment. Singing helped with the pronunciation of words and for women singing would strengthen the breast of women. ~*narissa*~ hope this helped you out.

What were the costumes like in Elizabethan times?

very posh and expensive