

Best Answer
  • It will be fun!
  • Students will enjoy it!
  • It's for all grades!
  • It is only one day a month!
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Q: Why should students at school have a No-Uniform day only once a month?
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Kids should not pay for sports because students should have fun.There wouldn't be fun if you have to pay a lot of money each month or year in a sport.Another reason why kids should not pay for sports is because less kids would join to play on a sport.Parents might not have the money to pay each month or year for a sport.It's a school's job to fund these activities and not a kids'. Students should participate in sports and not worry about paying.

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Should older students have schedule recess time?

Depends. If the school is k thru 6 then yes But if its a middle school i think that maybe they should slowly try to "wean" them out. Like at the begining they get all week. then it goes to for days then three then two then one. Then take i out completly a month before 7th grade and there you go!

Should high school students have longer lunches?

No. The state tells the schools how many minutes, hours, days, and weeks in the school day, month and year. If schools don't meet this the school has to make up the lost time or days. They are very picky and even count the time between classes, and the number of seconds in the school day. So, with a longer lunch students would have to stay later in the day. A longer lunch period would also result in greater problems with staffing and some students would soon find themselves in trouble when they have nothing to do.

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The cost of school supplies will vary depending on which supplies you are purchasing (e.g. laptops will cost more than pens and pencils). Discounted school supplies can generally be purchased a month or two after students return to school.

Why should students have a longer lunch period in middle school?

No. The state tells the schools how many minutes, hours, days, and weeks in the school day, month and year. If schools don't meet this the school has to make up the lost time or days. They are very picky and even count the time between classes, and the number of seconds in the school day. So, with a longer lunch students would have to stay later in the day. A longer lunch period would also result in greater problems with staffing and some students would soon find themselves in trouble when they have nothing to do.

What month does students graduate?

Depends on the school system, but most graduate either by early summer, late winter, or early fall(which again depends on the semester).