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This plant can synthesize its own food. But it receives water and minerals from the host plant on which it grows

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Because it lives on another plant.

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Q: Why mistletoe is called partial parasite?
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What is partial parasite?

A partial parasite is a type of plant that can photosynthesize but also relies on a host plant for some nutrients or water. It is partially dependent on the host plant for its survival and may have specialized structures for extracting resources from the host. Examples of partial parasites include mistletoe and dodder.

Is mistletoe a parasitism?

Mistletoe is counted as a half parasite.

Where does mistletoe live?

Mistletoe is a parasite that lives on other trees, Oak trees have Mistletoe in them quite often.

What fruit tree produces mistletoe?

Mistletoe is not from a tree. It is a parasite that grows on trees.

Why do mistletoe's absorb water from the host plant?

Because mistletoe is a parasite - it needs a 'host' plant in order to grow. Once it attaches to the host plant, it sends out roots into the host's stem in order to absorb water. Mistletoe is not a total parasite. It is called a hemi-parasite. It makes its' own food through photosynthesis but takes water and soil nutrients through the host it lives on.

Which shruberry askes for people to kiss?

mistletoe. which is a parasite.

The Plant that take their nourishment from others?

A mistletoe or parasite.

How plants live off another plants?

Parasite, mistletoe,

Is a producer a parasitism?

Normally not. However Mistletoe is a parasite and also a producer.

Which plant is a partial parasite?

The holly

What kind of a plant is a mistletoe?

Mistletoe is a parasite that grows on trees. Viscum album as it is known grows mostly on apple trees and can be a useful second crop in a orchard.

How does the mistletoe parasite get on the trees?

It is usually passed through a bird that has eaten the berry.