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That's just superstition, and superstition doesn't have to have a reason or to make sense.

It's only a superstition, but it takes away from the groom's anticipation of seeing his bride in a wedding dress for the first time as she's walking down the aisle.

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12y ago

The answer to this question is more personal than superstitious! I personally think it is more of a surprise and a beautiful way to start the wedding ceremony without the father seeing his daughter in her wedding gown! I do not believe there is any superstition involved in this decision. If the Father of the Bride sees the bride the "day of" the wedding I think that is fine since he will most likely be riding with her to the church and walking her down the aisle.... This is a personal decision of the bride. It's all good either way.

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15y ago

* The traditional myth is yes, it's unlucky to see the bride before the wedding. A few grooms have seen their bride before the wedding and they rate just as much chance of having a happy and fulfilling marriage as a groom that doesn't see his bride before the wedding. It's a good idea if the groom doesn't see his bride so he'll be more surprised at just how beautiful she is when she walks down the aisle.

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Q: Is it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?
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Is it bad luck for the groom to see the bride?

only if she is in her wedding dress before the wedding

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yes, to be sure that everything is in order and to tell them you love them!

Is it bad luck for the groom to see the bride's wedding dress?

It is actually a myth that it's bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress or see his bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony. The ritual is that the groom doesn't see the wedding dress on or off the bride before the wedding so he will be surprise at how beautiful she looks coming down the aisle.

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It is thought to be bad luck if the bride and groom see each other on their wedding day before meeting at the altar. Whether true or not it is much more romantic for the groom to see how beautiful his bride to be looks as she comes down the aisle in her wedding dress.

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One of the most common superstitions about a wedding is the practice of keeping the bride and groom apart the night before. It is believed that allowing the soon-to-be couple to spend time together before the wedding can bring bad luck to the marriage. It is also considered bad luck by some for the bride to walk in her bare feet the night before the wedding.

Is it bad luck for bride and groom to see each other the morning of their wedding?

In American weddings, yes it is traditionally held that it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding gown prior to the start of the ceremony. However, not all couples feel this is bad luck.

Is it REALLY bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding ceremony?

Many cultures believe so.

What are some examples of superstitious beliefs-WEDDDING?

Weddings are a wonderful centre for all kinds of superstitions. A bride will shed many tears if it rains on her wedding day. It is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. It is bad luck for a bride to wear green. It is bad luck for anyone in the wedding party to wear green. It is unlucky to let anyone else wear your wedding ring once you are married. If the bride trips when she enters her new home she brings misfortune with her. A bride should always enter her new home on her right foot. A bride will shed tears for each pear she wears on her wedding day. It is bad luck to pass a funeral on the way to your own wedding. Catching the bridal bouquet means you will be the next woman to wed. Catching the brides garter (thrown by the groom) means you will be the next man to marry. Take a piece of the wedding cake home and sleep with it under your pillow and you will dream of your future spouse.

What means bad luck at a wedding?

Bad luck at a wedding can be seen as a superstition or belief that certain occurrences or omens may bring misfortune to the marriage, such as seeing a black cat or breaking a mirror. It is important to remember that these are just superstitions and do not have any real effect on the couple's relationship. Ultimately, a wedding should be a celebration of love and commitment, regardless of any perceived bad luck.

What does the bride goom do on the wedding?

It is considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride before she walks down the aisle so his Best Man has the duty of helping the groom dress for the wedding and the Best Man also has to be sure he has the bride's wedding band so he can hand it to the groom in front of the altar. The Ushers are also at the groom's home to help where they can. The photographer or a family member will take pictures of all the males in the wedding party getting ready for the wedding.

Is it bad for the rings to be dropped at a wedding?

* No it is not bad to drop rings at a wedding because usually the bride, groom or both are nervous and this happens more than you think. There is no superstitious link related to a dropped ring and bad luck.

It is good luck for a bride to see what on the way to a wedding?

* It depends on the individual and their belief. An old myth is if someone gets married when it's raining or there is a lightening storm then it's bad luck. As far as seeing any signs going to the wedding it's what the individual bride to be choose to see as a sign of good luck.