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Valentine died the death of a martyr - automatic sainthood in the early Church.

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He died as a martyr for Christ.

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Q: Why is St. Valentine considered a saint?
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Who is the patron saint for companionship and love?

St. Valentine of Rome is considered the patron saint of those in love.

Who is the patron saint of love?

The patron saint of love is St.Valentine. St. Valentine of Rome is considered the patron saint of those in love.

What country is Saint Valentine from?

St. Valentine was a Roman.

Was St. Valentine a sinful saint?

If Valentine was a seriously sinful person he would not be a saint.

How are Saint Valentine and Valentine's Day related?

Valentine's Day, February 14, is the feast of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers.

When was St. Valentine's name removed from the list?

In 1969 Valentine and a number of other saints were removed from the Calendar of Saints. He is still considered a saint, however.

Is St. Valentine considered a saint in the Catholic Church?

Yes, Valentine of Rome is a Catholic saint. He was a priest, possibly a bishop, in the early church. He defied the Roman emperor and was imprisoned, tortured and martyred.

Why is Valentine named after Saint Valentine?

The feast day of Saint Valentine of Rome is on February 14. He is considered the patron saint of lovers.

Why was St Valentine named after Valentine's Day?

You have it backwards. Valentine's Day is named after Saint Valentine of Rome and February 14 is his feast day.

Valentine's Day is celebrated for which saint?

St. Valentine of Rome, martyr.

What Was Valentine's Day Named After?

St Valentine, The Patron Saint of Love.

Where did Saint Valentine come from?

St. Valentine of Rome was from Rome, Italy.