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Because people like pranks and jokes, so they wanted an excuse to do so.

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Q: Why is April Fools' Day about making jokes?
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Related questions

What is April Fools' Day really about?

April Fools' Day has to do with jokes and pranks. It's a day you get to mess around with people.

How is April Fools' Day recognized?

April Foods Day is recognized by people pulling pranks and making jokes on each other. When you are caught pulling a prank, the other person says, 'April Fools'.

What is All Fools' Day?

All Fools' Day is another name for April Fools' Day, April 1, a day when practical jokes are traditionally played on other people.

Which countries celebrate April Fools' Day until midday?

because april fools day is when there is a joke, they want to stay happy all day including jokes.

Is April 1st April Fools' Day?

Yes, April 1st is celebrated by playing practical jokes.

Are April fools jokes only valid before 12 noon?

That might be the custom for some, but for most, April Fool's day jokes are done at any time of the day on April 1.

Who turned April 1 into April Fools' Day?

April Fools' Day is celebrated all around the world on the April 1 of every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day where many people play all kinds of jokes and foolishness. The day is marked by the commission of good humoured or funny jokes, hoaxes, and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, teachers, neighbors, work associates, etc.

When is national prank day?

You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.You can do them any day, but particularly on the 1st of April, as that is April Fools' Day.

Is you possible to say April fools the day after April Fools' Day?

Yes,you can say after april fools.

When is April Fools Day?

"April Fools Day" or "All Fools Day" falls on the 1st of April every year.

What are some good April Fools' Day jokes for Facebook?

make a fake event so they go to the place and no ones there

What day of the week was April Fools' Day?

In 2011 April Fools Day falls on a Friday