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Simply because Thanksgiving is celebrated in North America and turkeys are native to North America. All the food in the dinner is "New World" food that is native to North America.

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Q: Why eat turkey in the first Thanksgiving?
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Did the pilgrams eat turkey on the first Thanksgiving?

Did the pilgarms really eat turkey during Thanksgiving? no as in "turkey" they ment any kind of bird so they didnt ate any turkey

Do turkey eat turkey for Thanksgiving?

No, because if they eat other turkey for Thanksgiving it would be like you eating other people.

Did they eat they on the first thanksgiving?

deer meat. squash and another type of veggie that i can't remember. They had no turkey on the first Thanksgiving

Do people eat Turkey?

Of course they do, we all eat Turkey on thanksgiving

What did every body eat during the first Thanksgiving?

People ate Turkey, Corn and Beans. This is because Turkey comes from the Pilgrims and Corn and Beans come from the Native Americans. This is why it's been a tradition to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving.

Why wont a turkey eat on Thanksgiving?

Because the main dish on thanksgiving is well..... a turkey hahaha :)

Do you have a source for the percentage of people whoeat turkey on Thanksgiving?

88% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

Why shouldn't people eat turkey on thanksgiving?

First tukeys are abused and are curly beaten. Second they can carry disease that can kill human beings. So if your eating turkey on thanksgiving you supporting abusment and putting you life at risk

Do people eat something on Thanksgiving?

A tradition is for turkey to be ate on Thanksgiving.

What did the pilgrams eat at their first Thanksgiving?

Turkey,corn,bread,ham,fish,green beans

Do families eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

Many do.

What holiday do you eat the most turkey?
