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Through the centuries, different regions of Europe had various ways of celebrating the last day before beginning the Lenten fast. One type of celebration was (and is) Pancake Dan, when extra eggs and dairy products that could not be used during Lent were cooked up into pancakes. A large proportion of early European settlers in what eventually became the U.S. were Protestants who did not celebrate the Lenten fast or recognize the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday in any way. Other settlers came from various parts of Europe that celebrated Mardi Gras, "Fat Tuesday" and other forms of Carnival, "farewell to meat."

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Pancake Day - album - was created in 1995.

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When is pancake day in 2011?

1455 was when the first recording of pancake day is mentioned of a pancake race, of course the day is also better known as, Shrove Tuesday.

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