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Q: Why does the Easter Bunny has a harder job than Santa Claus?
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Does Santa Claus have a harder job than the Easter bunny?

yes santa claus has a harder job than the easter bunny

What does the Easter bunny do in the winter?

He is Santa Claus at Christmas time

What do people call the Easter bunny and Santa Claus?

Saint Nic, Saint Nicholas, Santa, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, and far far more

Well if Santa Claus is real then what about the Easter bunney?

The Easter unny is not real it is your Mum that's the Easter bunny.

What is the Easter bunny's favorite holiday?

Easter Bunny's favorite thing about Easter is sending every body's eggs to there house.

It is ok to let your kid believe in Santa Claus the Easter bunny and Teeth fairy?


Do samurai warriors believe in Santa Claus?

Certainly and the Easter bunny too, but not the tooth fairy

What do santa Claus Easter bunny and the tooth fairy have in common?

They are all mythical or fictional characters.

Who is a child's most anticipated visitor?

Santa Claus, Grandparents, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny

How does a person know if God is telling them to do something?

It's probably just the Easter bunny or Santa Claus

Name someone who children believe in?

Santa Claus God Tooth Fairy Easter Bunny Parents

What is an example of ficiton?

anyhting that is not actual is fiction i.e. the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, or even santa Claus.