Turkish people don't celebrate 'thanksgiving''.They celebrate the coming new year at the night of 31st December by preparing lots of dishes because Turkish cuisine is so delicious and of course they eat Turkey as well..
I'd say it was the thanksgiving 2008 event/quest
The turkey said to the ham "I'm going gobble, gobble you up." The pig replied to the turkey "Thanksgiving is coming soon."
The word for Thanksgiving in Navajo is: Tązhii Daʼaghał which means "turkey they are eating it". Or Késhmish Yázhí which means "little Christmas"
Turkeys ar incapable of human speech so it wouldnt say anything.
I'd say either a turkey or the cornucopia. The turkey is the most widley used symbol but the cornucopia is probably the better of the two
I would say knife so they could carve the turkey.
black Friday i think
The Pilgrims only came to Ameria, not the Philippines, so there is no native words for Happy Thanksgiving. In America, people from the Philippines say, "Happy Thanksgiving" like other Americans.
Well, figuring that you'll get a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc, I would say about $20-$50. If you are feeding a large group of people, obviously, the dollar amount would go up.