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Because that is the center of Judaism, the site of the Holy Temple.

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Q: Why do Jews want to celebrate passover in Jerusalem?
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When do Jews go to Jerusalem?

There is no rule about going to Jerusalem. Jews may visit whenever they want, for different reasons.

What is said at Passover Seder meal?

At the Seder meal we retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt.

How do orthadox and reform Jews celebrate shabbat differently?

Yes. Orthodox Jews do "everything by the book". Reform Jews do anything they want.

Why has Jerusalem been a stumbling block in peace negotiations between Arabs and Israelis?

Yes as both the Jews and Muslims consider Jerusalem as a holy city., and Israel want it as their capital one day.

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unitarians try to celebrate all holidays and celebtrations or whichever they want to. I am unitarian and i usually celebrate Christmas, Easter, Hanaka, Passover, winter and summer solstus, divali (festival of lights), and all saints day

Are Jews allowed to watch tv on Passover?

it depends. half of Passover consists of religious days on which they cannot. The other half they can do what ever they want except they are not supposed to do work.

Why does control over Jerusalem create particular conflict?

Many people think of it as a holy place, the Jews and Muslims want it really badly. which causes fighting. the Muslims think it is their land and it's not fair that the Jews got it. and the Jews want to keep it because it is where they want to build their temple for when the mesiah comes.

Is Jerusalem a safe place for an American to live and work?

It is perfectly safe; the Arabs only wish to kill Jews, they don't want to kill anyone else. If you are not Jewish you should be alright. Jerusalem is probably the safest place to be in Israel. It is almost as sacred to Muslims as it is to Jews and Christians.

Do people celebrate Rosh Hashanah because they have to?

Some certainly only celebrate Rosh Hashanah because they feel guilty otherwise, but most Jews choose to celebrate Rosh Hashanah because they want to engage with their history and traditions.

How do Jews celebrate sweet 16?

Birthday celebrations are not dictated by religion. People celebrate their birthdays any way they want.

When was I Just Want to Celebrate created?

I Just Want to Celebrate was created in 1971.

Why do Jews live in Jerusalem?

It's where GOD placed his people read GENESIS 13:14 he is talking to Abraham the father of the Jewish /Hebrew people