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people thought Halloween was when whitches and ghouls killed people and pretended to be them by "putting on"their faces, and hanging their bodies on their porches.

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We got abducted by cheese grators

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Q: Why did people think these things happened on Halloween?
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Why do people dress-up as spooky ghosts witches on Halloween?

People think Halloween is all about spooky things,so they dress scary and look scary.

Why do they show the best movies on Halloween?

Some People Just Think They Should Make Scary Halloween Movies Because It Makes The Movie Intresting

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It depends what you think if you thinkthere's no such things as spiders then there's not. I believe that there's no such thing as Halloween spiders. If you think there's such no thing then that means that there's no such thing as Halloween spiders.

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Halloween is so scary because it is the day of the devil. You go out in costume so the dead people don't think your alive. That is why Halloween is so scary.

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lots of interesting things happened when Vic was queen one of them was (i think) people tried to assassinate her 9 times!

Why do you wear costums?

for Halloween ... and for many other things. Many people think that it is fun to dress up as something, for a costume party, for Halloween, for a Jewish holiday, or just to be a little random. Costumes were thought to scare away evil spirits in the past, but the tradition continues just because many people find it enjoyable.

Are red and white Halloween colors?

About any color can be used for Halloween, but the traditional colors that are associated with the holiday are orange and black.

What are ways to use your old pumpkins from halloween?

There are many things one can do with a pumpkin after Halloween has passed. Host a pumpkin smashing party, compost it, pickle the rind of eat the flesh.

What three spooky things happened in the White house that lead people to believe that it was haunted?

I think 1 was they heard voices

What country is Halloween most popular?

Ireland, the home of the original Halloween.

How many people died last Halloween?

i really can't tell a percent number but i think over 1 people die every Halloween in each country state