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because they are used in festivals and celebrations and in older times the chinese used them to fight battles by strapping them to the backs of arrows

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Q: Why are fireworks important in Chinese culture?
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How much do Chinese fireworks cost?

An estimated $105,000. Just in fireworks...

Why is ancient Chinese fireworks important to us?

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Which Chinese person invented fireworks?

It is not exactly known. But there are evidences that fireworks were first used by Chinese during Song Dynasty.

Why did the Chinese invent fireworks?

The Chinese invented fireworks around the 7th century for entertainment, religious ceremonies, and to ward off evil spirits. They eventually used fireworks in celebrations like weddings and New Year's to bring good luck and prosperity.

The best culture ever?

if you ask me i think every culture is the best and they all invented and created different things so be thankful that the Assyrians invented the wheel or the Chinese invented fireworks so yeah