The cast of 1954's White Christmas includes Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen, Dean Jagger, Mary Wickes, John Brascia, and Anne Whitfield.
The cast of White Christmas - 2010 includes: Joe Sheridan as Grandpa
The cast of White House Christmas 2011 - 2011 includes: Genevieve Gorder as herself
The cast of White House Christmas 2008 - 2008 includes: Sabrina Soto as Herself - Host
The cast of White House Christmas 2012 - 2012 includes: Genevieve Gorder as Herself - Host
The cast of White House Christmas 2007 - 2007 includes: Sabrina Soto as Herself - Host
the 1954 movie White Christmas starred Danny Kaye, Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Allen. I did not see Margaret Hamilton in the cast list.
The cast of White House Christmas Memories - 2003 includes: Laura Bush as herself Susie Coelho as herself Hillary Rodham Clinton as herself
The cast of The John Davidson Christmas Special - 1977 includes: Tim Conway Betty White
White Christmas on tv
White Christmas Opening lyrics: I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ...
Yes Bothell did had a white christmas?
Bing Crosby