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Q: Who was named after Saint Nicholas Island?
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Why is Santa named after Saint Andrew?

He isn't. He is named after Saint Nicholas of Myra.

Why is San Nicolas Island called San Nicolas?

It was named for Saint Nicholas by Spanish explorer Sebastián Vizcaíno after he sighted the island on the saint's feast day (December 6) in 1602.

How did Saint Nicholas of Myra get his name?

His parents named him Nicholas after an uncle who was a Catholic bishop.

Was there ever a man named Saint Nicholas?

Yes, there have been several men named Nicholas who eventually became saints. The best known of these was St. Nicholas of Myra.

Does Saint Nicholas have a brother or sister?

Saint Nicholas is believed to have had a brother named Basil, who also became a saint in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. There is no definitive historical evidence supporting the existence of a sister for Saint Nicholas.

Who was Saint Nicholas' mother?

Nicholas of Myra was the only son of wealthy Christian parents named Epiphanus and Johanna.

Which Saint was Santa named after?

Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch name Sinterklaas, which is a shortened form of Sint Nicolaas (Saint Nicholas), a Christian saint known for his generosity and gift-giving.

What is Santa full name?

saint nicholas claws

Is there a saint named Colin?

There is no Saint Colin. There are two origins for the name "Colin". The first is as the English spelling for the Gaelic name Cailean (alternative English spellings are Cailin, Caelan and Callan). There is no Saint Cailean. The other origin of the name "Colin" is from French, as the diminuitive of "Nicholas". There is indeed a very famous saint by the name of Nicholas. This is Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, 270-343 AD. His relics are in Bari, Italy where they were translated from Myra (in modern day Turkey) in 1087. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children and of sailors, as well as the cities of Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Liverpool and Lorraine. His feast day is 6 December.

Did Saint Nicholas have a wife?

Saint Nicholas was a catholic bishop and never married.

Who is Santa Claus based on?

Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle

What is Saint Nicholas' last name?

Saint Nicholas is often referred to as Saint Nicholas of Myra or Nicholas of Bari.