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A Hindu Priest!

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Q: Who performs a Hindu wedding?
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What are the seven steps to a Hindu wedding?

The seven steps of a Hindu wedding are:FoodStrengthProsperitywisdomBlessing of childrenhealthfriendship

What language is used at a Hindu wedding?

Sanskrit is usually used at a Hindu wedding, which is the language of most holy Hindu ceremonies.

What is the difference between a traditional Hindu wedding and a modern Hindu wedding?

Because Hindu people step on pieces of glass because its a tridition

What are the benefits of a Hindu wedding?

It is fun, if you want a jolly wedding

Who performs Hindu ceremonies?

The priest who is known as PANDIT JI

What do men wear at a Hindu wedding?

a hipodra is the name of it

What does a non Hindu do at Hindu wedding?

Joins the fun, dances, sits, enjoys, eats, drinks, and in the end gives his/her good wishes to the couple. The normal things that happen at a wedding.

Who performs a Hindu death ritual?

the son of the person who has died and if they have no son, a close nephew.

Is a Hindu wedding ceremony legal in North Carolina?

Yes, it is.

What do the bride and groom receive at a Hindu wedding?

A cheese cake.

Are there any special ritulse at a Hindu wedding?

yes.There are many.

What happens before a Hindu wedding?

they go out for tea and eat food