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The following are memorialized on October 11:
Agilbert of Paris
Alexander Sauli
Anastasius V
Bruno the Great
Ethelburgh of Barking
Firminus of Uzes
Germanus of Besancon
Gratus of Oloron
James Grissinger
John of Bridlington
Juliana of Pavilly
Maria Soledad Torres Acosta
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Peter Tuy

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Q: Who are the saints that have the feast day of October 11?
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Who is the saint that was born on October 11?

With the majority of saints, particularly very ancient saints, there is no record of the birth dates. The only date that is recorded is the feast day of the saint which may be the anniversary of the death of the person when the person was reborn into heaven. Therefore, this question can not be answered.

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There is no special reason for the date. Frequently the feast date commemorates the anniversary of the death of a person. However, this custom was not followed in the case of Blessed John XXIII. Only the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints knows why that particular date was chosen.

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