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Father Christmas uses a magical sleigh, which is pulled by nine flying reindeer.

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Q: Which sort of transport does Father Christmas use?
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What does Father Christmas in Britain use to travel on Christmas?

a sledge with rain-deers

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What does Father Christmas use instead of reindeer in Britain?

A range rover

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What is Santa called in South Africa?

He's called Santa Claus. But he's more often known as "Father Christmas." You could aslo use 'Vader Kersfees' or more tongue-in-the-cheeck: 'Krismis Vader' (pronounced exactly the same as 'Christmas Father')

What transport does santa use todeliver gifts?

Santa uses a sleigh pulled by reindeer. They love making that trip Christmas eve.

How does Father Christmas deliver presents in Africa?

Father Christmas travels by sleigh pulled by reindeer, just like in other parts of the world. However, in some African countries where it doesn't snow, he might use other forms of transportation like a truck, boat, or even a helicopter to deliver presents.

What is the connection between Christmas and Christmas father?

Father Christmas is the English expression for Santa Claus. Maybe the origin of sugar daddy- as candies are part of the hollidays. The French use the term Pere Noel- which means the same thing. Do not confuse with Pere Lachaise- lit. Father, the Chair- that"s a cemetery in Paris, and a big and famous one. ( Sarah Bernhardt a resident spirit).

How do you say Father Christmas in Hebrew?

There is no Hebrew word for Father Christmas. The Christian minority in Israel is very religious, and doesn't normally observe the secular aspects of the holiday. Israelis would just use the expression "Santa Claus" if they needed to refer to this character.

What are some ideas for crazy Christmas lights?

You could use many different colours of lights, and arrange them in different shapes to make pictures, i.e. a picture of Father Christmas or a reindeer.

What is the difference between Santa Claus and Father Christmas?

Santa, Father Christmas, and other namesThere is a slight difference between Santa Claus and Father Christmas, they are exactly the same just with a different name and , they have different Oregon's. Different countries use different names for Santa or Father Christmas, for example in Germany, Santa Claus is known as Kris Kringle.