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The foloowing saints arememorialized on August 13.


Cassian of Imola

Cassian of Todi



Francis of Pesaro

Francisco Castells y Brenuy

Gertrude of Altenberg




Jakob Gapp

John of Alvernia

José Boher y Foix

José Juan Perot y Juanmarti

José Tàpies y Sirvant



Mark of Aviano

Maximus the Confessor

Nerses Glaietsi

Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners

Otto Neururer

Pascual Araguàs y Guàrdia

Pedro Martret y Molet



Silvestre Arnau y Pascuet

Tikbon of Zadonsk


William Freeman

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Q: Which saints have August 13 as feast day?
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If it is Saint Anthony of Padua, his feast day is June 13. He died on that day in 1231.