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Saints memorialized on October 2:Guardian Angels

Andreas Yakichi

Bartolomé Blanco Márquez


Cyril of Antioch

Eleutherius of Nicomedia

Emilie de Villeneuve

Enrique Saiz-Aparicio

Franciscus Yakichi


Jan Beyzym

Leodegarius of Autun


Lucia Yakichi

Ludovicus Yakichi

Manuel Borrajo Míguez

Mateu Garrolera Masferrer

Modesto of Sardinia

Pedro Artolozaga Mellique

Primus of Antioch

Secundarius of Antioch

Theophilus of Bulgaria

Ursicinus II

Alfonso del Rio

Andrea Ximenez

Antonio Chevrier

Bonaventura Relli of Palazzolo

Elijah Carbonell Molla

Francis Carceller Galindo

George Rene Edmund

Isidore Bover Oliver

John Baptist Carbonell Molla

Maria Antonina (Maria Anna) Kratochwil

Mary of Guadalupe

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October 27 is the feast day of St Ivo, the patron saint of Bretagne.

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Q: Which saint's feast day is on October 2?
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Do the Dominion angels have a feast day?

October 2 is the feast of the Holy Angels.

Is it possible to not have a patron saint?

No, it is not possible. You have at least 2 patron saints - the saint for whom you are named and the saint/saints who have their feast day on your date of birth. There are about 20 saints or more who have feast days every day of the year.

Do angels have feast days?

The feast day of the Guardian Angels is on October 2. The feast day of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is on September 29.

What Catholic feast day is on February 2?

The first of November is All Saints Day in which the church celebrates all the saints who have not been canonized but are in heaven. The second day of November is All Souls Day on which we pray for all departed souls in purgatory.

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October 31 - vigil of All Saints day November 1 - All Saints Day November 2 - All Souls Day

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November 1 - All Saints DayNovember 2 - All Souls Day

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Francis died on December 2. There are more than 10,000 named saints and only 365 days in a year so every day has several saints that are celebrated. Even Christmas Day has a number of saints that are remembered that day besides the Nativity of Our Lord.

What kind of Christians celebrate All Saints Day?

All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows, Solemnity of All Saints or The Feast of All Saints) is a solemnity celebrated on 2 November by the Catholic Church, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Catholicism, in honour of all the saints, known and unknown.All Saints' Day is the second day of Hallowmas, and begins at sunrise on the first day of November and finishes at sundown. It is the day before All Souls' Day.

What holidays are celebrated on October 2?

There are several worldwide holidays on this day, they are: Christian Feast Day Batik Day Independence Day (celebrates the independence of Guinea from France in 1958)

What are the Columbian Holidays?

Colombia January 12 Feast of the Ephyfany March 19 Saint Joseph's Day April 5 Holy Thursday April 6 Holy Friday May 9 Work Day May 21 The Ascencion Day June 11 Corpus Christi June 18 Feast of the Sacred Heart July 2 Saint Peter and Saint Paul July 20 Colombia Independence Day August 7 Boyacá Batle August 20 feast of the Assumption October 15 Race Day November 5 All Saints Day December 8 Feast of the Inmaculate Conception

Is there a saints row 2?

Yes, there is a Saints Row 2. It came out in October 2008.

Which saints have a birthday of July 2?

With the majority of saints, particularly very ancient saints, there is no record of the birth dates. The only date that is recorded is the feast day of the saint which may be the anniversary of the death of the person when the person was reborn into heaven. Therefore, this question can not be answered.