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Egg nog

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Q: Which milk-based beverage is available around the Christmas holidays and comes in both alcoholic versions?
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What is alaze?

Alize is an alcoholic beverage. It is available in different varieties, and can be used in mixed drinks, or you can drink it as is.

Who regulates all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry in Texas?

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

When was Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control created?

Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control was created in 1934.

When was California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control created?

California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control was created in 1955.

When was Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control created?

Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control was created in 1935.

A beverage beginning with e?

Escalating Mary (Alcoholic Beverage)

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vodka (alcoholic beverage)

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An adult beverage is a euphemism for an alcoholic beverage - intended for consumption by adults.

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When was Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission created?

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission governs the sale and distribution of alcohol in the state of Texas, as well as providing certification for people serving alcohol.