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Balder, the god of light was assassinated with dart made of mistletoe by the god of mischief Loki.

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Q: Which god was assassinated with mistletoe?
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According to ancient mythology is mistletoe used to kill a god?

Loki killed Baldr with a mistletoe arrow. This is in the Norse mythology.

When was mistletoe first used in a holiday song?

Mistletoe was first used in songs to honor the legend of the mistletoe plant. The legend is, there was a god named Baldur, son of Frigga. Frigate told every animal and plant not to harm Baldur, but mistletoe escaped hearing this. Then Loki, enemy of Baldur, tricked the blind god of winter into shooting Baldur with an arrow that had a shaft made of mistletoe.

When was the mistletoe created?

Under the Mistletoe was created on 2011-11-01.

Which Norse god was killed with a dart made of mistletoe?

Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) the Norse god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness.

Who started mistletoe Christmas tradition?

Mistletoe is used in Pagan Yule celebrations, which were incorporated into Christianity during its spread through Northern Europe. The plant with its distinctive white berries grows attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub. Mistletoe's fruit appears at the Winter Solstice, which is near Dec. 25. Pagan mythology indicates that mistletoe must not touch the ground. As well, mistletoe was used to slay a Norse god of light and his mother dictated that those who pass under the mistletoe must kiss as a tribute to life and health.

What is mistletoe called in England?


What is the plural of mistletoe?

Mistletoes is the plural of mistletoe

What are the songs in the album under the mistletoe?


Did Gandhi die of lead poisoning?

No, Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist and his last words were believed to be, "Oh God. Oh God".

What are the common names of the mistletoe plant?

Common names for the mistletoe plant include European mistletoe, American mistletoe, and Christmas mistletoe.

What is the scientific name for mistletoe?

Mistletoe is a plant belonging to the order Santalales.There are over 900 species of mistletoe but the mistletoe that is commonly sold for Christmas is the species Phoradendron flavescens.

Where does mistletoe live?

Mistletoe is a parasite that lives on other trees, Oak trees have Mistletoe in them quite often.