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According to the Julian calendar, every year that is evenly divisible by four is a leap year.

There are two exceptions to this rule.

1. Years divisible by 100 are not leap years.

2. Years divisible by 400 ARE leap years.

So 2000, 2004 and 2008 were leap years, and 2012 and 2016 will be. However, 2100 will not be, even though 2000 was a leap year.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It's the extra day in February's. There's usually 28 days, but in a leap year there's 29 days.

Actually it's every 4 years. And unless the century can be divided by 400, a year that ends in 00 is not a leap year.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The leap year happens every four years and it adds a day to our calendar!!! Otherwise known as February 29, 2012!!!

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How afften does a leap year occer?

A leap year occurs every four years. The exception is that there is no leap year at the turn of the century. The exception to the exception is that there is a leap year every fourth century. The next leap year will be in 2012 (which the Mayan's predicted will be the end of the world). Also, the Olympic Games take place every fourth year, e.g. 2008 Beijing and 2010 London.

Which year will be leap year?

2012 + 4NPut any whole number you want in place of 'N',and you'll have a leap year.

If this years sports day will take place on the 5th of July what date will it be 362 days after next year is not a leap year?

3rd July

What number must a year be divisble by to qualify as a leap year?

To find out if any year is a leap year there are two factors you have to take into account.Firstly the last two digits of the date are divisible by 4.1976 was a leap year (76/4=19)1978 was not a leap year (78/4=19.5)1980 was a leap year1984 was a leap year1994 was not leap year2010 is not leap year2012 will be a leap yearSecondly you have to take into account century years.If the last two digits are 00 then you see if the 1st 2 digits are divisible by 4.1600 was a leap year (16/4=4)1800 was not a leap year (18/4=4.5)2000 was a leap year2100 will not be a leap year2200 will not be a leap year2400 will be a leap year.

Will 2078 be a leap year?

No, the next leap year takes place in 2012. After that a leap year is every 4 years, so 2076 will be one but not 2078.

Will it be a leap year in the year 2500?

The one before is wrong. My selective work teaching women teacher told me that it is a leap year, because look. 2500 take the 2 zero's off and check if the 2zeros fits in 25.

What month does leap year take place?

A year or leap year still has 12 months February has one extra day - from 28 to 29 The year has to be divisible by four e.g. 2012 = 12 (3 x 4) Except year ending 00 e.g. 1900 or 2000 etc

Will the year 3080 be a leap year?

3080 will be a leap year.

Is 1776 a leap year?

1776 was a leap year

Is 2014 a leep year?

No. If the year number can be divided by four then it's a leap year. 2012=Leap year.

Was 2112 a leap year?

2112 will be a leap year. If you meant 2012, then it too was a leap year.

Is 2015 going to be a leap year?

Yes 2016 is a leap year.