None, Halloween is spelled Halloween
With an apostrophe -> Hallowe'en... which is the shortened form of All Hallow's Evening.
All Hallows Eve. The eve (day or night before) All Saints Day, an old name for which is "All Hallows Day". "Halloween" is sometimes spelt "Hallowe'en", with an apostrophe. This is to indicate the omission of the letter "v".
No. A spider is a spider and an apostrophe is an apostrophe.
you've is the apostrophe of you have
The apostrophe for "they had" is "they'd".
No, your doesn't have an apostrophe. You're, however, does have an apostrophe because it's a contraction for you and are.
This is an apostrophe.( ' )
No, taste doesn't have an apostrophe.
you dont use an apostrophe in will not
An apostrophe is not required.
there is no apostrophe