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Q: Where do daoists believe they come from?
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What did Daoists believe about nature?

Daoists continue to turn to nature as a guide in seeing, feeling, and being motivated by the Tao. That is, the natural force that runs through and inspires all things.

Why do Daoists accept whatever happens?

Because they believe that all the wrongs will become solved

What daoists believed?

daoists believedthat a universal forcecalled the dao

How did china's legalists and the daoists differ in their views in society?

Legalists and Daoists differ from society by legalists believing that human nature was wicked and if people did good things they will find harmony. And they also believe if they enforce strict laws they will have harmony and if they do wrong they will receive harsh punishment. Doaists believe that each individual will find their own peaceful path and find harmony on their own.

Who are the gods of dao?

daoists don't have Gods.

What did daoist believe people should do?

Daoists believed people should find their own way, or Dao, to live in peace. They must learn to live with their inner feelings, too.

What do daoists advocate living in total simplicity?

Daoists advocate living in total simplicity in order to align with the natural flow of the Dao, or the natural way of the universe. By living simply, one can reduce distractions and attachments that create suffering and instead focus on inner peace and harmony. This simplicity allows for a deeper connection with nature and a more authentic way of being.

How could Daoists follow the way?

Being Correct by confucius

How might a daoists respond to a Confucius teachings?

They might agree with him

Who were Daoists and what did they believe?

Daoists were followers of Daoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that emphasizes harmony with the natural order and the Dao, or Way. They believed in living a simple, humble life in accordance with nature, practicing self-reflection, and cultivating inner peace through practices like meditation and Tai Chi.

Why did daoists disagree with legalist ideas on government?

They disagreed because they believed in living with harmony and loving nature, whereas the Legalists wanted a harsh gov, with enforcement of laws.

Will dinosaurs come back?

Some people believe that dinosaurs will come back in their life time. Some people believe that they will come back after there life time. Some people believe they will be cloned. Some people believe, that they will never come back. What ever you believe, you can believe. But I believe that dinosaurs will not come back ever, but will be cloned outside of my lifetime. - Christopher250 -